So, here I am at my first blog! I am Angela, and I am a wife, homeschooling mom, and a beekeeper! My passion for bees came about when I saw an independent film about farming and it made me want to move to the deep country roads of Alabama, be outdoors with my family all day, and have a big farm with a historic house, lots of animals, and a big ole garden! Well when I came back down to earth (but I can keep dreaming) I realized that there was something that was outdoors that helped farmers and agriculture in general, and didn't cost a lot to start, and my kids could learn with me....KEEPING BEES!! So I did.
I went hunting for a beekeeper in my little
Mayberry of a town, and found what I was looking for. Ben... an ole'
timin' beekeeper who was 80 years young and had over 40 hives! The best part was he was willing to teach me to be a real beekeeper! I spent many Alabama summer days scared to death of getting stung and listening to his stories about growing up in the south. As we went into his hives and extracted honey in his storage shed with a window air unit, we poured honey into bear shaped jars so he could go and sell them at local farmer markets. All this information about bees and honey that I had learned from him over a years time, sent me on a creative mind frenzy (you know what I am talking about) and I wanted to be able to share something with my family and friends like how Ben had shared with me.
Hmmm, an idea! How could I get people interested in beekeeping, supporting local beekeepers, and
understanding the importance of bees?? AH! An idea! HONEY! Everyone (well almost everyone) likes honey! And, you have to eating, yeah, and cooking,
hmmmm, oh okay! COOKING WITH LOCAL HONEY! Ben told me his family and other beekeepers used honey in place of sugar when cooking and baking! Breads, cookies, salad dressings, name and you can use honey! So, in this day in age we have become concerned of the non-nutritional value of white sugar, and all of the high
fructose corn syrups we are consuming...honey is one of the most natural, "green", pollinating, sweet taste to hit your
tongue... and its got stuff in it that is good for you! Its the way to go! So this is my blog about being a beekeeper, goodness of honey, cooking, being a homemaker,
homeschooling, and I get to share all of it with you! So, why Queen Bee? Well the hive doesn't work with out her. She is the one that gets the hive going (she lays the eggs among other qualities) and her family supports her! My favorite quote about the bee is;
"The bee is more honored than any other animal, not because she labors, but because she labors for others."St. John Chrysostom said that and its perfect! I thought about how selfless bees are and what team players they are. They work together and they see the result! I strive for my family to honor God that way, and I think of the Queen Bee as a title like the Proverb 31 woman. It's my dream to be that!
I hope you enjoy my blog in the future and be looking for coming soon!
Have a blessed day!